Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sad panda is very sad...

Ever felt as if you were the most unwanted and useless person in the world..... EVER...

Useless as a brother, or a friend, or an anything...

What do you do when the one person you ever wanted to be a best friend is getting farther and farther from you everyday?

When you feel that each time you move one step forward, the other one moves two steps back.

When your jokes no longer seem funny.

When long stories suddenly become one word replies.

When whispered secrets become silent.

When you feel as if you're back to being just a stranger.

What do you do if you felt so betrayed and used?

That it might as well all just been an act to get something.

But you don't want to admit to yourself the possibility.

To even think that it might be hurts so much.

What do you do when you want to just forget but it makes you sadder that you might do.

When all it would take is a simple Hi! and you're happy all over again.

When just thinking of before can still make your troubles go away.

What do you do when you try so hard to get it back and all you get is Meh!

What do I do?????
