Friday, December 31, 2004

Welcome to the Year 2005

Wheeeeee ! Happy New Year Everybody !

well... actually there still an hour so so but I won't be here to post it since there's gonna be a pretty big fireworks display that I don't want to miss ^________^

May 2005 be more eventful, positively eventful that is. More Happiness for all and Peace for all and Food for all and new hi-tech gadgets and gifts and candy yeah, don't forget candy and oh!almostforgotgoodbooksandanimeandmangaandIwouldn'tminda

Edit: As of posting its almost like war zone outside, I can hardly hear the tv from the noise Whoooohoooo!

Before you say Happy New Year

Time Check: approx. 3 and a half hours before New Years Eve

I'm sure almost everybody has heard or watched about it already. The earthquake and tsunami that devastated a big portion of South East Asia has really made this New Year into a big downer.

With nearly 200,000 people dead, definitely NOT the best way to end the year. One can only assume that 2005 will be better but no one really knows. I'm hoping this won't be a harbinger of things to come : (

If you're still feeling the Christmas spirit i'm sure Red Cross would be happy to accept any type of help you can give. American Red Cross website

That's it for now : )

- Wil-B counting the minutes till New Years ^___________^ -

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I and Me but They

From: Me
To: They

Is it my fault that I am I and not they?
Ignored cause me I am is not me like they.
Unliked for I is different to they that they.

I ask for mercy but they give nay.
The me I am cannot be they say,
That I must be they, no other way.

And so I struggle to change my way.
To please them they, I hold my stay.
But in the end I just can’t be they.

And so it ends, my tale today.
It hurts me for I can’t be me and they.
So please accept me for I am, Okay?

***Edit: approx. 1 hour later***
To quote from Green Day's new song "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" which by the way great.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

Lyrics for the rest of the song here

Monday, December 27, 2004

The overhype of professional I.T certifications.

For the past few days, I've been studying or should I say trying to study for a certain exam. This exam, if passed, would accord me the the privilege and honor (actually it's not that exclusive or superbly honorific lol) of being called an MCP, short for Microsoft® Certified Professional.

It's kind of a requirement, so much as I like to pass on it, I can't, unless I want to be fired, which I don't.

Understand though that I'm not against these so called professional certifications. The exams are tough and you really need to be experienced in the areas that you'll be tested on. Passing in these tests means only two things:

A. You really took the time to study and devote yourself to understanding the intricacies of the darn stuff.
B. You really took the time to learn the shortcuts to pass these type of exams.

What the?!

You might be saying. There's a shortcut???

Yes. Well... this applies for most of the exams. Y'see there are these "reviewers" or "sample exams" that have questions which are eerily similar to what would come out in the cert. exams.

Long a ago, stuff like these would probably be called "crib notes", "leakage", "cheat sheets" but today they're called "preparatory materials".

Granted, they don't all come free (you need to pay for the really good ones). But, a real net-savvy person knows how to work around these things. *wink*
Who wouldn't want to take the shortcut that's readily accessible.

Back to the point, so generally, all a person really needs to do is study these sample tests and he should be able to easily pass a certification exam. To prove this, I relate a story about a co-worker who did it.

He was able to get the highest certification, called MCSD, in less than 2 months. MCSD stands for Microsoft® Certified Solutions Developer. This type of cert. requires you to take at least 5 exams of a really broad coverage. You need to be really familiar with the whole strategy, design and implementation of the .NET Framework of Microsoft to get this certification. That means hands on experience, probably more than 1 year working with everything . NET. And here he takes 1 exam per week and he even aces a few of the exams. He has only been with company for less than half a year, only 2 or so months before me. He has not previously worked with .NET until coming into the company and yet he had gotten the highest certification ahead of other employees who have been with the company from the start.

Long story short, aside from bragging rights, what's the point of getting any certification. It doesn't really prove anything. It only means that you passed an exam. Society today is obsessed with names and recognition. They don't really care how you got them as long as it looks good in the C.V.

Work's a bitch...

Work's a bitch when you have it 2 days after Christmas on a day which was made a non-working holiday which also happens to be a monday. Nuff said. : P

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I'm so busy but finally an update : )

Would you believe, I haven't even posted in my own blog for a month already :(

But it's all for a very good reason y'know. It's just that i'm so busy these days.
Then again, "busy" rhymes with "lazy" so... its all in your own interpretation. :)

A new feature in my blog. LINKS

I know... I know... they should have been already there from the start.