The next and last installment in a long running movie franchise has finally come.
Well... on May 19 anyway. Yes, Its the Third episode of the Star Wars saga.
It's the last part to come out but actually not the last part of the story since its in the middle of the story. The first three to come out were actually Episode IV, V and VI. And that the fourth and fifth movie to come out were Episode I and II and . . . What the hell, never mind!
Already movie pundits are expecting it to be as bad as they found Episode I and II to be and Star Wars FANatics just plain don't care and will rave about it any which way they want to.
Me, i'll watch it probably or I could just wait for the DVD set. I can hardly wait although I'm not exactly a true fan of the series and all
Watch out though for the newest and baddest Sith Lord yet.
He's Big, Mean, Round and Brown.

He's Darth Tater!