Sunday, February 26, 2006

Its the End of the Philippines

Its two days after the 2006 anniversary of EDSA revolution and not only is the situation worse but there is faction against faction against another faction.

Innumerable numbers of coup attempts, vigils, rallies, protests and what-not pop-up from equally innumerable places. While the loyal troops and city-gendarmes run around trying to catch long-dead ghosts and spirits, the President on the other hand is just sitting safely ensconced in her heavily secured Palace. What's more annoying is that there is no central opposition with each faction fighting supposedly for the Filipino people while veiling their true intent of self-satisfaction.

What a nice country I am living at right now. No wonder we don't progress as much as our neighbor countries. I am hoping that things will get better when I wake up but we all know that it's just wishful thinking.

Good Night for now Philippines. Have a Nice Day :P

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