Wednesday, February 22, 2006

To be or not to be ... Dead?

I recently found out about an online game called Urban Dead. It's a fairly simple web based mmorpg game. No fancy graphics, just cgi. From the website itself
"Urban Dead is a low-tech massively-multiplayer zombie apocalypse game where survivors and zombies battle for the control of a quarantined city.
If you're a new player and would like to help the evacuation effort, join in the looting or swell the ranks of the zombies"

Now, I'm a valiant zombie crusader hell-bent on hunting the choicest brain... Well, not really, in actuality, I'm still a level 0 n00b zombie named wirubi hehe. But still, in time, I will become the best zombie evar. Scourge of the Living. Plague of the Puny. So if ever any of you happened to stop by the quarantined city of Malton, be sure to look me up and maybe we can share a brain or two. Mrh?

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